Preserved Flower Bouquet
A preserved flower bouquet is a beautiful and long-lasting arrangement created using flowers that have undergone a special preservation process to maintain their natural appearance and texture. Unlike fresh flowers that wilt within days, preserved flowers can last for an extended period, often months or even years, depending on the preservation method and care.
Discover the versatility of our preserved flower bouquets, suitable for a myriad of occasions. Whether adorning your home, celebrating a special moment, or expressing heartfelt sentiments, our bouquets effortlessly complement any setting.
Welcome to explore Preserved flowers and gifts trading LLC, we focus on providing high-class services on exporting preserved flowers and gifts. We have our own R&D department, which is made up by 22 florists who have more than 15-years experience, and 9 professional Technicians. We are committed to creating a comfortable and welcoming home for you,We focus on business cooperation to add a touch of sparkle to your office environment.